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The World Mission Update

Oct 8, 2019

Rusty Humphries and Greg Kelley are talking about how current natural disasters are creating unique opportunities to share the gospel with unreached people groups. Northern Kenya is in the midst of ongoing drought conditions. The nearly dozen different people groups are primarily pastoralists (raising animals such as goats, sheep, and camel) and depend upon these animals for their survival. World Mission is drilling water wells to help provide clean water while also sharing the solar-powered Treasure in many languages so they can hear about the love of Christ.

Meanwhile in India, the conditions are very different. Historic flooding has taken the lives of over 200 people in the state of Bihar. This state has over 110 million people and is less than 1% Christian. Showing compassion by providing basic survival resources of food and water is opening the door for the gospel to be shared!

God Bless,

Greg Kelley
CEO/Executive Director